Monday, March 26, 2007


Urinals in homes, a new trend?

Instead of always posting about Belleville homes, I am posting aboutplumbing fixtures/ special plumbing fixtures. Urinals.

Here is a post from another one of our blogs about actual urinals in homes in our area.

Here is another link that has lots of important technical details about home urinals:

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Are new homes going to become smaller?

For years I've been surprised by how large some of the new homes are. (And I show them and help people buyer them!)

It is really a start contrast when I go into a vacant larger home and see the kids bedrooms with a few toys left and I think how far that room is from the family areas. It just feels a little sad to think of a 3 year old having to walk about 100 feet and go up 10 feet of stairs to be part of the family.

But, now it is starting to sound like that trend may be reversing. Here is a post on another of our office blogs on the topic:


Tuesday, March 6, 2007


The thing to do right before you give them the money!

Quite often we hear about home buyers that close on the house and then go to the house and find that the seller has either left junk or taken things they shouldn't have taken.

I've talked to two different buyers who had everything down to the light switches taken by the seller. We basically always do walk throughs so we don't personally have any stories like that, but if you talk to enough home buyers you'll hear about it happening.

Here is a link to a good post on another blog on the topic:

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